RBW Environmental Initiatives and Accomplishments
Fuel Use
This year RBW has come up with a few ways to reduce the amount of fuel consumed in our transportation operations
We are hoping to reduce the amount of fuel use by 5% this year. We plan to accomplish this through 3 techniques
Install skirts on all of our highway trailers making our tractor trailers more aerodynamic
Install a computer into tractors to report driving practices allowing poor practices can be identified and rectified
Increase awareness with our Drivers about how to be more fuel efficient and reduce idling time
Rainwater Collecting
RBW is reducing Fresh Water Use by 10%
RBW is constantly looking for ways to improve our processes and procedures to reduce our environmental footprint. This year we have made great advancements in reducing the amount of water used to process waste and clean bins. It is projected that we will reduce our water use by over 10%. We have done this through 3 techniques
Reuse lightly used water in dirtier processes. This should save about 872 850L of freshwater from being used over a year.
Capture rainwater from the roof of our plant and use it to clean bins
Change the process for cleaning bins to reduce the amount of water used
Oil Extracting
In 2012, Rbw extracted 463,100 L of oil from waste
Through sending your oil contaminated material to RBW, you have helped us to be able to extract over 463,100 L of oil from waste in 2012. This oil would have otherwise been put into a landfill. Through our processes, that oil was able to be reused. In the first 3 months of 2012 RBW has already recycled 168, 491L from waste
Plastic Recycling
As of 2016, RBW has diverted 19, 757 cubic meters of plastic from Landfills
That is equivalent to 8 Olympic sized swimming pools!
This plastic has been converted into useable material such as environmentally friendly rail road ties, hard hats and plastic building supplies.