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Environmentally Friendly Solutions

RBW Waste Management Ltd. brokers waste that falls outside of our specialized recycle programs such as:


We offer disposal options for most lab wastes including:
Expired chemicals


We test all bins of contaminated soil received at our facility to determine contamination level
This process ensures that your waste is treated appropriately


We send lead acid batteries for neutralization and recycling
Rechargeable batteries are sent for recycling


All of the electronic waste received at our facility is sent to a facility where all recyclable components are reused or refurbished


We treat all incoming process filters as pyrophoric (self-heating)


Spin on (D-Spin) engine filters are crushed to extract residual oil which is then sent for fuel blending


Need rags?

We extract hydrocarbons from soiled rags and absorbents through our washing technique
Recovered hydrocarbons are sent for fuel blending


The residual liquid from spent aerosols is recycled and used for fuel blending
The empty containers are sent for scrap metal recycling


We strive to keep plastic wastes out of landfills. The plastic received at our facility is recycled into sustainable and environmentally friendly rail ties

Environmentally friendly waste solutions.

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